The AMI VIP Universal License Promo is BACK!

We are doing it again.. only in a mini version! A Mini-V.I.P License!

We are offering something that no one else in the industry is doing.. AGAIN! For one lucky customer, unlimited FREE tubes for 3 months! This is for ONE WEEK, and an incredible opportunity!

For every person that makes a purchase of $15.00 or more between now and the 29th, they will be entered to win a VIP Universal License for 3 months! Anyone is elligible and the more times you make a $15 purchase, they more entries you get! So, if you spend $60, you are entered four times, etc!

What does VIP Universal License for 3 monts mean? It means, that if your name is drawn you will gain access to any tubes, scraps or elements at AMI for the next 3 months. After your 3 months are up, you will have lifetime usage of the tubes, scraps and elements you got during your VIP time. AWESOME huh?!

The only rules are:
1.You must purchase at least $15.00 USD of items from AMI before midnight May 29th, 2009.
2.You may be entered as many times as you have spent $15.00 worth at AMI. Example: You buy $15: you are entered once, $30: you are entered twice, $45: you are entered 3 times, $60: you are entered 4 times and so on.
3.There are no limits on the tubes, packages or scraps you can pick to receive.
4.There is no waiting period after release.
5.Only Personal Use Elements are elligible, not the Commercial Use Elements.

So, its easy to put your name in the hat for this one, especially since we have so many items on sale! Rack up and get a chance to be an AMI VIP for the next 3 months!

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